As the festive season unfolds, the Brecon Beacons…
8km / 4.97miles
OS grid reference SO077273
Postcode LD3 7UY
Starting co-ordinates
° 0' 0" N ° 0' 0" W (DMS)
Approximate time
1 hour 45 mins
Walk Grade
(5 = Hardest)
You’re guaranteed to relish this exceedingly scenic stretch of the canal as you stride along to Talybont, the home of Henry Vaughan, 16th century poet. Experience the peace and beauty of this special corner of the Brecon Beacons which inspired much of his poetry. This is a grade 2 walk: Routes with some sections with slightly looser surfaces, slight gradients and gates but no stiles. Seats are few and far between.
Come in spring and summer to savour the plentiful flowers which bedeck the towpath verges and nearby woodland. The carpets of celandines, bluebells, jack-by-the-hedge and wild garlic provide a feast for the eyes and the nostrils. In the autumn you’ll be rewarded with a show of rich bronze colours laid on by the trees which line stretches of the canal here. The still waters of the canal also provide remarkable reflections of the foliage and graceful canal bridge arches. The colourful canal barges, in particular those moored at Pencelli – which translates as ‘the head of the grove’ – add to the tranquillity of the walk. You will also glimpse unrivalled views of the Central Beacons as you round some of the corners.
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