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As one of the finest prime stock shows in Europe, the Winter Fair draws crowds from far and wide to enjoy two-days packed full of competitions, festivities and Christmas shopping.


Along with the usual packed schedule of competitions, exhibitions and displays the Winter Fair also offers shoppers the perfect opportunity to pick up some unique and original Christmas gifts. The Food Hall will be packed full of the very best Welsh producers showcasing their produce and tempting visitors to try the wide variety of culinary delights on offer.


What better way to kick off the festive season than a visit to the Royal Welsh Winter Fair?


The 2024 Winter Fair takes place on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th November.


Fel un o’r sioeau stoc gorau yn Ewrop, bydd y Ffair Aeaf yn denu’r torfeydd o bell ac agos i fwynhau dau ddiwrnod yn llawn cystadlaethau, dathliadau a siopa Nadolig.
Ynghyd â’r amserlen lawn arferol o gystadlaethau, arddangosfeydd ac arddangosiadau, mae’r Ffair Aeaf hefyd yn cynnig cyfle perffaith i’r siopwr craff brynu anrhegion unigryw a gwreiddiol.
Bydd y neuadd fwyd yn cael ei llenwi gan gynhyrchwyr gorau Cymru yn dangos eu cynnyrch ac yn temptio ymwelwyr i roi cynnig ar yr amrywiaeth o ddanteithion hyfryd sydd ar gael.
Mae’r Ffair Aeaf yn cael ei gynnal o’r 25ain – 26ain Tachwedd 2025


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